UPDATE 02 (2014.08.03):
- added Windows 8.1 versions... finally!UPDATE 01 (2014.03.19):
- added a NEW VERSION with smaller taskbar;- minor changes/fixes to the large icons taskbar.
Finally I managed to port one of my old Windows 7 theme to Windows freaking 8. I've also made some small changes to the original theme.
Now I can enjoy working on Windows once again. Hopefully you will enjoy this one as well!
To remove the shitty hover glow of the taskbar buttons, go to: Control Panel>System>Advanced Settings>Performance Settings and uncheck Animations in the taskbar. That's it!
Package includes:
- the theme itself;- matching windows cursor schemes: Minimal Taste Cursors and Minimal Taste Cursors Dark.
What's not in the package:
- Icons used in the preview: Token by brsevHow to:
• create a Restore Point using System Restore (safety first!)• patch Windows so you can use 3rd party themes using this tool: uxstyle.com
• install the theme by copying the content of Theme for Windows 8 or Theme for Windows 8.1 folder in "C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\"
• apply the theme from the Personalize panel
• apply the registry settings by running the minimal_taste_8_window_metrics.reg file in the Window Metrics folder• remove the hover glow of the taskbar buttons: System>Advanced Settings>Performance Settings>uncheck Animations in the taskbar
• restart Windows and... enjoy using the theme!
• last but not least... say "Thank you!"
Wallpaper link: wallpaperswide.com/funny_cow_e…
Thanks to neiio for the help!
Known Bugs:
Buttons bar on IE doesn't look that good. If someone could help fix it please contact me.
Thank you for downloading!!!