I have the great pleasure to present you my first visual style for Windows 7, Pastelia!
What then with this visual style?
Having searched for visual styles around the web, I found that most of them were similar to each other, mainly with an close aspect to the famous Mac OS X interface, or accentuating the transparencies effects of Aero.
However, to date, there isn't any themes for Windows 7 offering an alternative, a different vision of the appearance of this operating system...
This theme, with pastel colors, pink, yellow and light gray, is specifically designed for people seeking a clean workspace, with sweet and soft colors.
A style for every taste, for making you feel always more cheerful... : )
You can find more information about using this visual style on the "How to use this visual style" text document, included on the .zip archive...
Oh! This visual style is only compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 RTM (build 7600) 32-bit version, compatibility with the 64-bit version and Windows 7 SP1 (build 7601) isn't tested.
It doesn't work on Windows Vista, Windows XP and with Windows 7 RC (build 7100)!
I'm not responsible for any damage caused by the use of this visual style! ; )
Please feel free to comment or asking any questions!
Of course, feel free to share this theme with people that you really enjoy, your friends, your family, your contacts on other forums, your neighbors... But, please, please do not use my works for any commercial use! ^^
Thank you so much~
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