Season 2 Themes For Windows XP

hi all , this my update style for season
remake and recolor to all images , and final to know where is error can't to share two systems =D , i am so happy know this , cause i can use win2003 to make style for XP|2003 , if have error i know where to find it ,very soon :)

file include three tools
* GTaskbar (translate by me)
* System Font Change
* Resource Hacker

GTaskBar -- support yor taskbar and startPanel to transparency (value 80 - 90 have good effect )

System Font Change -- change your visual style font type
(only support winXP|2003)

Resource Hacker -- change the Shellstyle.dll

* fix for the taskbar of Chevron
+ add plus version , only different for buttons

style have three colors
* blue
* orange
* green

if you want to change font type , use SystemFontChange(SFC) change the msstyle file , you also
need change the explorerbar , so easy , just follow me

1. use (Resource Hacker) to open Shellstyle.dll

2. choose "String Table" --> "1" you can see that
at the left ,1 and 2 is the font number, you just change at the right insert the mark (this font name support all language , your must know your system have install that font , if have not , no errer , just the system auto use default font), the 15 number is font size ,you also can change this

3. apply (Compile Script) button

4. save it (if can't save , you need shift outher style and save again) , in the floder, you will see the new file name like Shellstyle_original.dll , that is backup file , delete it

note : use the SFC change msstyle font must know this point , don't change font size of location name by "Start: Button", like this season.msstyle, use SFC open it you will see three "StrartButton" , mean is this style have three colors , if you change the size by 8
the startButton maybe shift, other style all the same like this , cause default style must show the "Windows XP" words in the button
,many author like to hidden that words only show the image

if you can't see the clean for the words , please open the CleapType on the System =)
 Themes Download : Here
Wallpaper Download : Here